About Me

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I spent two summers while in college working as a waitress at a dude ranch in Colorado. The experience was nothing less than incredible. Years later, I have wonderful friends that I still keep in touch with as well as an amazing husband. I still think back to those summers because I learned how hard work really pays off and how much I enjoyed putting together all the food events for the guests. The ranch always hired staff from the South because the owners said they always received compliments on their friendly service from guests...My boss' response was "It's just Southern Hospitality." It was not until I began planning my wedding that I realized how I had missed my calling. I wish I could say I am a successful event planner living my dream, but I am not just yet and hope that collecting my ideas and sharing them will be a start (thanks Molly). Enjoy!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Bright Flower Bouquets

I have a friend that is getting married in Virgin Islands so I began looking for bright/tropical bouquet ideas. Here are some of my favorites that I found (from theknot.com & marthastewart.com):

Of course I came across other bouquets that I really liked and wanted to share:

“To accomplish great things, we must not only act, 
but also dream; not only plan, but also believe.”
-Anatole France